Tips to avoid getting pulled over in Louisiana
Avoid behaviors associated with intoxicated drivers
The National Highway Traffic Administration has identified a list of symptoms commonly used by law enforcement to spot intoxicated drivers. They include:
• Turning with a wide radius
• Straddling center of lane marker
• Weaving
• “Appearing to be drunk”
• Almost striking object or vehicle
• Swerving
• Driving on other than designated highway
• Tires on center or lane marker
• Speed more than 10 mph below limit
• Stopping without cause in traffic lane
• Following too closely
• Signaling inconsistent with driving actions
• Drifting
• Braking erratically
• Driving into opposing or crossing traffic
• Headlights off
• Slow response to traffic signals
• Stopping inappropriately (other than in lane)
• Turning abruptly or illegally
• Accelerating or decelerating rapidly
Vehicle Condition
Keep your vehicle in top operating condition Any problems with your vehicle, from a burned out bulb to a broken trunk latch, can give an officer a perfectly legal reason to pull you over. Similarly, vehicle modifications like window tint, custom lighting and mufflers that do not meet local vehicle codes give officers reason to pull you over.
Watch for sudden speed limit changes
Many local highways and city streets have speed limit changes that provide natural opportunities for police officers to set up speed traps. As soon as you pass a sign noting a new speed limit, you are required to be at that speed, not just slowing to that speed.
Be Conscious Of “High Ticket” Hours
There are certain times of the day, week and year when officers are even more likely to pull you over. The closing time for local bars gives police an opportunity to search for drunk drivers. Similarly, weekend nights like Friday and Saturday are popular nights to pull over drunk drivers. Also, special days like national holidays, sporting events and concerts can give officers a reason to pull over more drivers.
Do not stand out from the pack
If you are driving on any highway, do not drive significantly faster than the speed of traffic. Troopers look for vehicles that stand out from others. In addition, do not weave in and out of traffic, as this behavior attracts attention from troopers as well.
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